Leisure activities
Gulf at Raray - 6 km
Water skiing at Moru - 4 km
Water skiing at Verberie - 1 km
Jet-skiing - 3 km
Fishing in the ponds of Moru - 4 km
Fishing in the ponds of the Abbey - 4 km
Walk in the forest of Compiegne, outside Verberie
Bike riding: Verberie offers a 12 km cycle track
Swimming pool and ice rink in Compiegne - 12 km
Tennis in the village
Horse riding - 4 km
Amusement parks
Asterix - 31 km
La Mer de Sable (the sand sea) - 30 km
Disneyland Resort - 90 km
St Paul Park - 70 km
Compiegne (14 km): the palace, museums, a racecourse, the Armistice wagon.
Senlis (18 km): the old town, the cathedral
Pierrefonds (21 km): the fortified castle, the ponds
Chantilly (2 7 km): the palace, museums, a racecourse
Crépy en Valois (18 km): the archer museum, the old town
Soissons (54 km): the cathedral, the abbey
Beauvais (64 km): the cathedral, museums, a tapestry factory
Reims (110 km): the cathedral, museums, the old town, cellars
Amiens (90 km): the cathedral, the “hortillonnages” (the river gardens), the old town, a zoo, museums
Noyon (40 km): the cathedral, the Calvin museum
Paris (60 km)
Roissy Charles de Gaulle - 44 km
Beauvais - 60 km